I created these looks for Lisa Eldridge's excellent competition on Facebook, to win a course at the DFMA in London. I wanted to show what make-up means to me, and it means two very contrasting things. The first? I can use it like I use paint, charcoal, pastels or pencils: to create abstract works on the face and body. I can sit with every colour of the rainbow, Google 'paint splatter' and 'dripping paint' and get to work with the teeniest of brushes.

The second? I use it to create something that's wearable, but different. Something that will make strangers stop me in the street and talk about make-up, or colour, or fashion. A cheeky nod to a different era, but with a twist. This is a sixties look, traditionally done with black and white. I used purple and yellow- two contrasting colours - to make each other 'pop'. And the petals? They represent the 'drawn-on' bottom lashes that Twiggy famously sported, and Marina Diamandis reinvented for her 'Primadonna' video. They're dandelion and bluebell petals, picked from the garden and attached with eyelash glue. Not the easiest thing I've done with make-up, but extremely satisfying.
The thing I'm most proud of is the fact that I've managed to make my skin look good. Spots and acne scars aren't so visible, the skin looks even, but there isn't a heavy blanket of coverage.
(These images are taken with a brilliant camera that I borrowed, they are unedited, the colours have not been changed. It's me, in my bedroom, with the sunlight streaming through an open window.)