I want to cast aside the stupid, restrictive beauty ideals, and the strict expectations of women. Make-up is a feminist issue- it gives us a chance to express ourselves, transform ourselves, and ultimately change not just our faces, but our identity. It's the 21st century, and it's about time we expanded the boundaries of beauty brands, started catering for women of colour, men, and EVERYONE who wants to wear make-up. We need to stop feeling pressure to wear cosmetics to make ourselves feel beautiful and worthy, and stop pandering to brands that make us feel shit about our faces, races, gender and bodies, then feed off those created insecurities.
Make-up should be fun, creative, inspired and versatile. Why should women have to look pretty?
[I've recently moved here from http://bethsmakeup.wordpress.com/]
This is so inspirational :D great stuff, lovely blog too :) x